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horse’s hoof with job’s tears
薏仁马蹄汤  detail>>
horse hoof
马脚蹄 蹄  detail>>
job's tears
 短语和例子   【植物;植物学】  1.〔作单数用〕 川谷,菩提子 (Coix lacryma-jobi) 〔一种热带草本植物,果实可作念...  detail>>
horse hoof shaped cuff
马蹄袖  detail>>
robe with horse-hoof shapedcuffs
马蹄袖旗袍  detail>>
toasted horse hoof cake
酥皮马蹄糕  detail>>
robe with horse-hoof shaped cuffs
马蹄袖旗袍  detail>>
fresh yam and job’s tears soup
营养美白汤  detail>>
 n.  (pl. hoofs, 〔罕用语〕hooves ) 1.蹄;〔戏谑语〕(人的)脚。 2.有蹄类动物。  短语和例子&nb...  detail>>
on the hoof
活的 活着, 未屠宰  detail>>
be in tears
含着泪花 在执政 正哭着  detail>>
in tears
哭泣,掉泪 哭泣;流着泪 泪流满面 流着泪,在哭着 流着泪,含泪 流着泪,含着泪,在哭着 流着泪;含着泪;哭着  detail>>
蒂尔斯 激情青春 泪光 流不尽的眼泪 破处, 破缝, 泪滴, 眼泪, 扯, 飞奔, 激怒 万俟楚楚 眼泪  detail>>
with tears
哭着, 含泪  detail>>
a (horse)
一匹  detail>>
 n.  (pl. horses, 〔集合词〕horse) 1.马〔尤指长大的公马〕,马科动物。 2.〔集合词〕骑兵。 3.像马的东西,有脚...  detail>>
horse is
霍斯群岛  detail>>
of the horse
马的  detail>>